As soon as Christmas is nearing I reach straight for my Frankincense and Sweet Orange essential oils. They blend beautifully together and have an aroma reminiscent of Christmas, so are sure to bring about the festive mood. Add in some warming Clove and a dash of Texas Cedarwood essential oil and things start to get very Christmassy. I'm sitting here enjoying this very blend as I write this blog post and I feel so uplifted, cozy and comforted.
There are many ways to use essential oils in aromatherapy during Christmas and I will detail a few of these ideas for you to try below as well as listing the various properties of these essential oils.
Christmas Essential Oils
Boswellia serrata
Beneficial Properties Of Frankincense Essential Oil At Christmas
Preventing or alleviating mental depression
Settles digestion by reducing or preventing the formation of intestinal gas
Stimulating normal cell growth
Aids the process of digestion
ExpectorantAiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
Immune System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the immune system
Having an increase in the functional activity of the immune system.
Nervous System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the nervous system
Respiratory System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the respiratory system
Increasing local blood circulation.
As fun and joyous as the holidays can be, with all the traveling and organizing they can also be a little stressful at times. This is why I chose this wonderful essential oil to include in the Christmas blend.
Frankincense is known to be a nervous system tonic, it can help to relieve stress, tension, and exhaustion both mental and physical. With its grounding, calming and rejuvenating properties, it helps deepen the breath, aid relaxation and promote restorative sleep. It also helps relieve aching muscles, especially tension related. It is the perfect fall/ winter oil as it is rejuvenating and hydrating for all skin types and especially useful for dry/ chapped skin. Helping to support the skin through the effects of the changing seasons.
Non-irritant in dilution
Sweet Orange
Citrus sinensis
Beneficial Properties Of Sweet Orange Essential Oil At Christmas
Preventing or alleviating mental depression
Preventing or relieving spasms of smooth muscle fiber
A mild laxative
Combating or inhibiting bacteria
Settles digestion by reducing or preventing the formation of intestinal gas
Aids digestion of fats
Aids detoxing
Aids the process of digestion
Digestive TonicAssists proper functioning of the digestive system
Digestive StimulantHaving an increase in the functional activity of the digestive system.
ExpectorantAiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
Immune System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the immune system
Having an increase in the functional activity of the immune system.
Nervous System SedativeCalming soothing effect on functional activity of the nervous system
Nervous System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the nervous system
Sweet Orange essential oil blends beautifully with Frankincense. The citrus note compliments the deep, woody notes in the Frankincense. Primarily this is a digestive oil, helping to support healthy digestion, so perfect during the holiday season. With it's refreshing and uplifting properties and calming action on the nervous system, it is also a great support to keep spirits high and soothe away tension.
Non-irritant in dilution. Short shelf-life, use fresh
Clove Leaf
Syzygium aromanticum
Beneficial Properties Of Clove Leaf Essential Oil At Christmas
AntiviralOpposing the action of viruses
Combating or inhibiting bacteria
Aiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
Immune System StimulantHaving an increase in the functional activity of the immune system.
MucolyticAiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
Tonic to the nervous system
Having an increase in the functional activity of the nervous system.
I love to add this to any of my inhalation blends. This is a strong, powerful oil and fills the house with another festive aroma. It is a tonic to the nervous system, so it helps with feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy, and depression. Boosts vitality. It is an immune stimulant, which is very helpful for Christmas time when there are many people crowded together and is Antimicrobial and antiviral. It is also a fantastic respiratory support oil, which again is so helpful to use in inhalation applications to help combat any viruses and bacteria in the air.
Has dermal cautions and can cause skin irritation and sensitization, therefore best used in inhalation applications only
Texas Cedarwood
Juniperus mexicana
Beneficial Properties Of Texas Cedarwood Essential Oil At Christmas
ExpectorantAiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
MucolyticAiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
SedativeCalming soothing effect on functional activity of the nervous system
Nervous System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the nervous system
Immune System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the immune system
Respiratory System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the respiratory system
Texas Cedarwood essential oil complements the woody notes in the Frankincense and the citrus notes in the Sweet Orange. This is another strong and powerful oil, best used in inhalation applications.
I'm adding this essential oil into the room spray recipe only and also for use in the UpNature diffuser. Texas Cedarwood has many benefits when used in inhalation. The woody aroma of this essential oil blends well with citrus oils and Frankincense. It has tonic properties to the nervous system and is indicated for having a balancing action on the nervous system. Helping with nervous tension. Warming, strengthening oil. It is also a great respiratory tonic so perfect for inhaling during the fall/ winter season to protect and keep those nasty bugs at bay.
Has dermal cautions and can cause skin irritation and sensitization, therefore best used in inhalation applications only
Copaifera reticulata
Beneficial Properties Of Copaiba Essential Oil At Christmas
Preventing or alleviating mental depression
Reducing the symptoms of inflammation (heat)
Nervous System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the nervous system
Immune System Tonic
Assists proper functioning of the immune system
Copaiba is a really lovely oil to add to the mix. An essential oil that is known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties due to its high sesquiterpene content. Regarded as being calming, balancing and grounding emotionally and spiritually. Perfect for the busy festive period.
Possible dermal sensitization in some individuals
Eucalyptus globulus
Beneficial Properties Of Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil At Christmas
Opposing the action of microorganisms
AntirheumaticPrevents or relieves symptoms of rheumatism
AntisepticOpposing infection, putrefaction by microorganisms
AntispasmodicPreventing or relieving spasms of smooth muscle fiber
AntiviralOpposing the action of viruses
Combating or inhibiting bacteria
Stimulating and clearing the mind
DecongestantReleasing phlegm, congestion or mucus
ExpectorantAiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
Immune System StimulantHaving an increase in the functional activity of the immune system.
MucolyticAiding the elimination and loosening of mucus, anticatarrhal
RubefacientIncreasing local blood circulation.
Having an increase in the functional activity of the nervous system.
The essential oil we all reach for when we have a stuffy nose or cold. It is such a fantastic respiratory support oil.
Carrier Oils
Strong skin regeneration properties perfect for dry, aging skin, scars and perfect in the cooler weather.
Jojoba is actually a liquid wax. It is similar in structure to sebum, with an affinity to the skin. A balancer, with anti-inflammatory properties. Perfect for dry, chapped skin. Arthritic and rheumatic inflammations.
Highly nutritious oil for the skin. Rich in a range of fatty acids. Supports mature and dry, chapped skin.
Christmas Application Methods And Recipes
The following ideas can be used during Christmas. They also are great ideas to make as individualized, bespoke gifts.
In the past, I have gifted handmade candles, hand creams, body lotions, room sprays and aromatherapy diffusers with a starter kit of essential oils. Why not gift to yourself this Christmas too, you deserve it!
Christmas Massage Oil
Ideal for those with dry skin, especially from the cold weather. Supports the nervous system, reducing stress and tension and also incorporating digestive support oils, to help with digestion this Christmas.
You will need a 100ml glass bottle. Fill the bottle with your chosen carrier oil, I suggest any individual or mixture of the carrier oils as detailed above. For an adult with no contraindications, the dilution will be 2.5%. Add up to 40 drops of essential oils suitable for topical use into the bottle and shake well.
The suggested amount of drops for each oil;
15 drops of Frankincense
15 drops of Sweet Orange
10 drops Copaiba
Christmas Room Spray

Welcome guests into your home, with the aroma from this DIY festive room spray. This also makes an ideal and unique Christmas gift.
You will need a glass spray bottle big enough to hold 100ml water. Add 8-10 drops of essential oils, per 100ml of water. Always shake before use and store in glass, not plastic.
The suggested amount of drops for each oil;
NEW Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
Aromatherapy diffusers make a great gift for Christmas. It is such a nice thing to gift wellbeing to your loved ones. This is my suggested blend of essential oils to use in the diffuser this Christmas.
Add between 3-8 drops of any combination of the following essential oils. The suggested amount of drops for each oil;
Replenish if needed.
Christmas Bath Salts
Homemade essential oil-infused bath salts, make a wonderful Christmas gift for someone else, or a great treat for yourself.
You will need a glass jar such as a mason jar, enough to hold your desired amount of bath salts. For an adult with no contraindications, the dilution will be 2.5%.
- 1 cup Epsom salt
- ½ cup natural sea salt
- essential oils 2.5% dilution.
- (Optional) 2-3 tablespoons dried herbs or botanicals such as dried lavender or rosebuds.
The essential oils will first need to be diluted in a suitable carrier oil of your choice before mixed in with the bath salts. This is because the salt is water-soluble, so it will leave undiluted essential oils in the bath. The oil, however, means the essential oils will be diluted. Then combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Transfer to a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
To Use
Add approximately ½ cup of bath salts to warm running bath water.
Remember Your Carrier Oils
Please bear in mind that before using essential oils topically, they must be diluted with a suitable carrier oil.
How To Use Essential Oils Safely (and therefore effectively)
Essential oils are powerful natural substances that can help support us through their various properties and actions. It is also important to realize that just because something comes from nature, it doesn't mean it is automatically safe to use however we please, (Take poison ivy as an example).
However luckily for us, when used with a little bit of knowledge and within a few simple guidelines, essential oils can be a great tool to help support our health and wellbeing. It's not about being scared to use them. It's about understanding how to get the most from the, safely. Using them correctly will mean they work more effectively. The saying less is more applies in Aromatherapy.
I'm sure that if you are interested in essential oils and aromatherapy, you will have inevitably come across misinformation with regards to their usage. The problem lies when the source of that information comes from an untrained person. Always consult someone trained in the correct usage of essential oils... an aromatherapist. Which is why I wanted to offer you some helpful guidelines so that you can access the most benefits from your essential oils, without side effects.
To get the most out of your essential oils
Consult a trained aromatherapist before using essential oils if you have a medical condition, are taking medications, are pregnant/ breastfeeding, have any allergies, or if you have any other concerns. Essential oils are powerful substances, which make them so helpful. It just means that there can be some contraindications with certain oils if you have any of the above circumstances. So it's important to follow specific advice, which I'm sure is well worth the time and investment.
There may be essential oil specific guidance. Ensure that the essential oil you have chosen is suitable for you. Does it have any safety precautions to consider? Some do, some don't. Your aromatherapist will advise on the above circumstances. For anything else such as sensitive skin, please refer to our
UpNature ebooks on the particular oil, you have purchased for more in-depth information.
Make sure your essential oils are correctly diluted if applying topically, using the topical use chart above.
There is no such thing as an official internal use graded essential oil. These are just phrases that have been coined but have no basis. They make things confusing. Whilst it is true that, yes, essential oils are used in the food manufacturing industry, however, this is only in tiny, highly controlled quantities. It doesn't automatically mean they can be ingested in other settings, even if they have been labeled for such use. Be cautious of terms such as internal use, food-grade. Or any advice to drink a drop or two in a glass of water. I would advise you never to do this. Never use essential oils internally. There is no benefit to this practice. Oils are not water-soluble and will not, therefore, dilute when dropped into water. Undiluted essential oils should not be used on the skin, so imaging the effect on your delicate internal organs. If this is something that you still want to pursue and I understand that you might already be convinced due to the current trend of marketing this unsafe practice has received, please, at the very least make an appointment with a highly trained aromatherapist to discuss this further.
Refrain from using undiluted on the skin. Only in emergencies and with a few limited essential oils. Again refer to an aromatherapist for specific exceptions.
Precautions You Should Take When Using Essential Oils For Colds and Flu Relief
If you are not sure how to use essential oils for cold and flu relief, ask for the advice of your doctor or a licensed natural health practitioner.
If you are pregnant, suffer from hypertension or have epilepsy, you should avoid rosemary and clove bud essential oils. Again, ask your doctor of any questions.
Remember that essential oils with a citrus note are sensitizing and phototoxic, so use these oils sparingly, especially if you are going outdoors.
Although reactions are rare with proper use, always perform a patch test before using a new essential oil to ensure you will not have an allergic response to it.
And, if you found this information useful, please “Like it” and share it with your friends so that they can learn how essential oils for colds and flu relief can help them, as well.
Let us know how these beneficial essential oils helped support you this fall in the comments below!
*Please note: The suggested applications need to be appropriately diluted. There may also be essential oil specific guidance - please refer to our UpNature eBooks or consult an aromatherapist for more in-depth information.
Shop these and all of our essential oils on UpNature!
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